Saturday, April 12, 2008


My site has been up for a month now and I wanted to give everyone updates on all the resources I've been using to gain readers and also stats on google adsense.

Update Myspace- my experiment of trying to add people from myspace to refer to my blogsite has not yet taken off. Myspace has really locked down on their adding policies it's quite time consuming to add person by person unlike before. I also get a lot of spam myspacers but they aren't the type that will direct into your blogsite. This month I'm thinking about using a add bot for myspace not sure if it's legal or not but the program adds people from myspace for you.

Facebook continually is good but I feel as though it's just most of my friends reading up on what I'm doing but still it generates a good amount of unique visitors. My good friend Success2Success has has brought 7 readers to my site. You can always count on his site being the most well written and informative site about investing in real estate and being a entrepreneur.

here is what my Adsense and Analytics look like for my first month.


Page Impressions




299 Visits

93 Absolute Unique Visitors

488 Pageviews

1.63 Average Pageviews

00:03:07 Time on Site

73.24% Bounce Rate

29.10% New Visits

I'm far from making a living blogging and I realize since the start I've slacked off a bit but who knows this is a new venture it takes time and I won't give up on it just yet. For next month I'm going to write a article a day or at least 5 articles a week. Also add more people to myspace for my blog site. Also I'm going to join which is a resource for bloggers.

1 comment:

Who is "the Manager"? said...

anything worth anything comes at a cost ... ur blog is my #2 refferal next to!