Friday, March 7, 2008

Mitch Matsuno and John Chow

Ok so this is the second attempt on posting and figuring out what is. My previous post in the middle of posting shut itself down that's the one thing I hate about Vista on my new computer.

I was introduced to blogging by my good friend Mitch Matsuno you can find him under success2success when I figure out how to link his name to the site I will do so. He sent me a email about awhile go. Mitch is usually really good about always finding new and creative ways to make money so I take his words and recommendations seriously. But honestly the email about John Chow was buried in the massive amount of emails I get everyday because I was busy with work and having my fiancee here. It wasn't until my trip up to SF to visit Mitch and my fiancees family that Mitch explained to me what was then I remembered reading an article in Entrepreneur magazine about him, he was the guy who made money blogging online and teaching others how to do it as well. John Chow now is making 27 thousand dollars a month blogging, and his motto is everyone can do it too with a little work of course.

So here I am blogging, trying to see if me an average guy who doesn't know much about design or the Internet can make money blogging. I feel like if I can do it then anyone can because I am the true newbie part of the computer illiterate. This is an experiment for 2 years to see if I can catch enough interest with this website to make a buck. I will give every single detail to how I did it. Actually if I don't make money at least you can always point to my site and say well that's where he messed up or that's why he couldn't do it. So with this I start my experiment wish me luck.

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